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During your use of LineageOS, you may encounter some unexpected issues.

I can't do much about these unless appropriate logs are given.


I will not assist if any modification is made to the ROM: For example, if a different kernel is flashed, if unwanted System modifications have been made, if the ROM is flashed with a different recovery.

Report an issue

To report an issue, you need to go on this GitHub page and file the bug report.

To properly report an issue, the following logs must be provided in the ticket:

  • logcat (System Log).
  • dmesg (Kernel Log).


To grab a logcat it is required to have USB debugging enabled:

  • Go into Settings -> About Phone and press 7 times the Build Number.
  • Go into Settings -> System -> Developer options and enable USB Debugging.
  • Open an ADB & Fastboot tools window on your PC and run this:
$ adb logcat -d > logcat.log
  • If a radio buffer log is requested, run this as well:
$ adb logcat -db radio > radio.log


Grabbing a dmesg requires root access. Fortunately, userdebug builds of LineageOS can access a root shell enviroment out-of-the box:

  • Go into Settings -> About Phone and press 7 times the Build Number.
  • Go into Settings -> System -> Developer options and enable USB Debugging and Rooted debugging.
  • Open a ADB & Fastboot tools window on your PC and run this:
$ adb root # Enables root shell
$ adb shell dmesg > dmesg.log